Cho Colette
actor | singer

About Me
Cho Colette (Colette Kaya) is an actor and singer-songwriter. She was born in Turkey and was raised in multiple Eurasian cities. She spealizes in using multiple accents and characterizations in script comedies.
She is classically trained in theatre as a comedian and in music as a soprano and pianist. Her training comprises of musical theatre pieces such as “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” and “the Leader of the Pack” and of musical performances such as “Boléro” and “Carmina Burana”. She has recently moved to the US and has been pursuing social media and TV appearances since.
Her most recent TV appearance is “Cho Colette” (herself) in “Cannolli’s Comeback – Part 2,” which was produced by Steve Oakley Films and released on Vimeo (Aug, 2020). Her most recent theatre roles were “Gretel” and “Actor” in AlphaNYC Theatre’s “Brothers Grimm Spectachulathon” (Mar, 2021)
She is currently looking for more opportunities in TV comedies and online public theatre as well as for musical collaborations.